
Monday 26 August 2013

Twitter Class Notes

As we continue on with our course, we are looking at twitter, the use of it and possibilities for libraries.

For this I created a new twitter account, @ARLibraries, the purpose of which is to focus solely on libraries, future technology related to libraries, augmented reality and related fields.

Twitter has advantages in that it can provide quick, concise feeds of information and thoughts, but there are also downsides.  Follow too many people - especially if they aren't work or profession related - and any useful posts can be rapidly lost in the stream of posts, often many of which may be irrelevant.  It is for that reason I set up a new account only for course/study and library/technology related posters.

One thing we are required to do is a annotated citation on one poster.  For that I have chosen and followed Bonnie Wildie. 2013. Bonnie Wildie (BonnieWildie) on Twitter. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 Aug 2013].

Bonnie Wildie posts on twitter under the username @BonnieWildie, and has made to date 809 tweets, with 416 followers, with the most recent being this week.  She teaches at the WSI TAFE, and her twitter account (and blog) are designed to help her LIS students discover the interactions between social media and the library world.  This speaks to her authority, though as she says all her opinions are her won.  While it is aimed towards her students, it is of interest to any in the field of libraries and social media.


  1. Good annotated evaluation, Andrew. Very good idea to create a separate identify for professional twitter feeds.

  2. Your thoughts on Twitter were interesting that is can provide quick concise feeds of information and thoughts.
