
Monday 19 August 2013

On Podcasts

Looking at podcasts, it took me a while to discover one about the use of Augmented Reality in the library, but in the end I did.  It can be found here;

PodOmatic. 2012. Linda's podcast. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 20 Aug 2013].

Jessica Blasko - Augmented Reality in the Library is a podcast of a talk by Jessica Blasko, public librarian at the Watertown Public Library, uploaded by Linda W Braun, Project Management and Consulting Coordinator of Librarians and Educators Online.  LEO is a consulting company specializing in the growing technology and information needs of libraries, schools, and other educational institutions.  There is some authority from the speaker on the podcast, though given the commercial nature of the company the uploader works for, it may be lessened partially.  The talk is about what AR is, and why it should be used.  The talk was made March 22, 2012, making it fairly recent.  It is aimed towards other librarians and those that work in libraries.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent discovery, a very good evaluation and perfect citation. Well done, Andrew.
