
Sunday 11 August 2013

A Delicious Look

Continuing on from class notes, we get to Delicious.  Delicious is a social bookmarking website for storing, sharing and discovering website bookmarks.  When you bookmark a website on your own computer, it is only available to whoever uses that computer.  In Delicious, it works a bit differently.  You bookmark the site through Delicious, making it publicly available to anyone who uses Delicious.

How can you find relevant bookmarks in all those saves ones?  Through tags.  You, and others, can tag the bookmarks, and you can search for tags which will then list all bookmarked websites so tagged.  Of course, if it isn't tagged then it can't be easily found.

In a library setting, it could be of use to see what websites other libraries and their staff find interesting, what they are working on, development and of course as an easy method to share what is happening in your own library.

From what I have seen of Delicious to date, it isn't too difficult to work with, though I have yet to delve deep into it to find out all it is capable of.


  1. I'm at the same stage of delicious as you, yet to dive deeper, a question to ponder about, Is there more to delicious than meets the eye?

    Everything is so mysterious when you are new...

  2. I would really like to see Delicious used in a public library setting... It would be interesting to see what the staff would use it for.
