
Monday 19 August 2013

Augmented Reality in Education Wiki

Trying to find a wiki based around AR in libraries is, not surprisingly, not easy. The wiki I am looking at for my annotated bibliography is about augmented reality in education. 1997. Augmented Reality in Education - home. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13 Aug 2013].

The Augmented Reality in Education wiki was set up by Karen E Hamilton, professor and online coordinator in the School of Liberal Arts & Sciences at George Brown College in Toronto, Canada, as part of the Curriculum, Technology and Educational Reform (CTER) program at University of Illinois- Urbana.  Given she is the only poster to date, it gives the wiki authority, but given the nature of wikis and that they can be added to by others, it is no guarantee that it will remain so.  The most recent updated were in March this year, which makes it fairly relevant.  The blog is aimed at those interested in using AR in the fields of education.


  1. You are finding some excelent examples of augmented reality in libraries. This evalaution and citation are good.

  2. Education is another area which has adopted virtual reality for teaching and learning situations. The advantage of this is that it enables large groups of students to interact with each other as well as within a three dimensional environment.

    Interactive Multimedia
