
Monday 5 August 2013

SpeedGeeking 2012 (7)

SpeedGeeking 2012 (7) by School of Engineering and Applied Science, MU Ohio

Flickr. n.d.. SpeedGeeking 2012 (7). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Aug 2013].

The ShelvAR team presenting their work on the augmented reality mobile app, ShelvAR, which is used to help the user sort library books on a shelf.

One augmented reality app I want to talk about at some point is ShelvAR, but first the annotated bibliography of the above photo as required for course work.

SpeedGeeking 2012 (7) was uploaded to flickr by the School of Engineering and Applied Science, Miami University, Ohio, which, as a university, speaks to their authority. It portrays the ShelvAR team presenting their work at the annual CSE SpeedGeeking in 2012, making both the event and the photo current. The SpeedGeeking event is where CSE capstone students provide short presentations to alumni and other participants about their research. The photo is aimed at sharing with the public snapshots of the event and what went on.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for finding this photo. I am learning so much - first time I ahve heard of speedgeeking! Well done on the brevity of your evaluation which meets the criteria for the course work.
