
Monday 2 September 2013

Facebook Class Notes

We have come to the last of our class notes for the course, this time looking at the world of Facebook and how it relates to libraries.

The Facebook community is a large one, covering not just individuals but organisations as well, including libraries and the like.  It is another useful tool in the social medial toolbox that can be used by libraries to spread the word about what they are doing, events and the like.  Like Twitter, Facebook can suffer from an overload of personal commentary and posts which can lead to important, relevant information being buried.  Once more, having a personal and work related page may prove useful.

For our last annotated citation, I am looking at the Facebook page of The Digital Shift.

Facebook. 2013. The Digital Shift. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 3 Sep 2013].

The Digital Shift Facebook page is a social media hub for The Digital Shift, a product of Media Shift Inc, that acts as the home for technology-related and stories and features published by Library Journal and School Library Journal.  While Library Journal is over a century old, and has the reported highest circulation for a librarian trade journal, Media Shift Inc. is still a commercial enterprise which does lessen its authority.  The Facebook page is aimed towards anyone interested in the technological aspects and innovations in reading and libraries, especially library staff.


  1. A really interesting facebook site, Andrew. Thank you for finding it for us. I can see how useful it would be for libraries and was really interested in the Minecraft library.

  2. Finished for the moment, isn't it great
