
Monday 5 August 2013

TasTAFE Library & Flickr

IMG_0990 by a_warwick
IMG_0990, a photo by a_warwick on Flickr.
A view of part of the Campbell St library of TasTAFE.  Fairly typical of most libraries, and what people in general consider them to look like.  What if we could make it more though...what if we could augment it....

This photo comes from our exploration of the photo sharing site, Flickr, in which we had to not only find a library related photo (in my case the SpeedGeeking 2012 photo), but also take and upload one of our library.

From what I have seen, Flickr seems fairly simple to use, and share with, but I have a fairly extensive IT background which may colour my views on such matters.


  1. I like the balance in this photo and the imagery associated with thinking about making it more than a library with augmented reality.

  2. I like the photo and the honest comment about the use of Flickr
