
Monday 2 September 2013

Facebook Class Notes

We have come to the last of our class notes for the course, this time looking at the world of Facebook and how it relates to libraries.

The Facebook community is a large one, covering not just individuals but organisations as well, including libraries and the like.  It is another useful tool in the social medial toolbox that can be used by libraries to spread the word about what they are doing, events and the like.  Like Twitter, Facebook can suffer from an overload of personal commentary and posts which can lead to important, relevant information being buried.  Once more, having a personal and work related page may prove useful.

For our last annotated citation, I am looking at the Facebook page of The Digital Shift.

Facebook. 2013. The Digital Shift. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 3 Sep 2013].

The Digital Shift Facebook page is a social media hub for The Digital Shift, a product of Media Shift Inc, that acts as the home for technology-related and stories and features published by Library Journal and School Library Journal.  While Library Journal is over a century old, and has the reported highest circulation for a librarian trade journal, Media Shift Inc. is still a commercial enterprise which does lessen its authority.  The Facebook page is aimed towards anyone interested in the technological aspects and innovations in reading and libraries, especially library staff.

Monday 26 August 2013

Twitter Class Notes

As we continue on with our course, we are looking at twitter, the use of it and possibilities for libraries.

For this I created a new twitter account, @ARLibraries, the purpose of which is to focus solely on libraries, future technology related to libraries, augmented reality and related fields.

Twitter has advantages in that it can provide quick, concise feeds of information and thoughts, but there are also downsides.  Follow too many people - especially if they aren't work or profession related - and any useful posts can be rapidly lost in the stream of posts, often many of which may be irrelevant.  It is for that reason I set up a new account only for course/study and library/technology related posters.

One thing we are required to do is a annotated citation on one poster.  For that I have chosen and followed Bonnie Wildie. 2013. Bonnie Wildie (BonnieWildie) on Twitter. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 Aug 2013].

Bonnie Wildie posts on twitter under the username @BonnieWildie, and has made to date 809 tweets, with 416 followers, with the most recent being this week.  She teaches at the WSI TAFE, and her twitter account (and blog) are designed to help her LIS students discover the interactions between social media and the library world.  This speaks to her authority, though as she says all her opinions are her won.  While it is aimed towards her students, it is of interest to any in the field of libraries and social media.

Monday 19 August 2013

On Podcasts

Looking at podcasts, it took me a while to discover one about the use of Augmented Reality in the library, but in the end I did.  It can be found here;

PodOmatic. 2012. Linda's podcast. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 20 Aug 2013].

Jessica Blasko - Augmented Reality in the Library is a podcast of a talk by Jessica Blasko, public librarian at the Watertown Public Library, uploaded by Linda W Braun, Project Management and Consulting Coordinator of Librarians and Educators Online.  LEO is a consulting company specializing in the growing technology and information needs of libraries, schools, and other educational institutions.  There is some authority from the speaker on the podcast, though given the commercial nature of the company the uploader works for, it may be lessened partially.  The talk is about what AR is, and why it should be used.  The talk was made March 22, 2012, making it fairly recent.  It is aimed towards other librarians and those that work in libraries.

A Glimpse of the Future

Could this be a glimpse of the augmented reality libraries of the future?

The possibility is intriguing  - and one to look forward to.

YouTube Class Notes

Furthering on with YouTube, we come to notes, opinions, and of course our own work.

One of the tasks we had to undertake was to create our own short video, in which we had to demonstrate a task in action, then upload it to YouTube.  Here is mine.

YouTube as itself is a site with endless possibility as to what you can find, but there are drawbacks, in that anyone can upload anything and it can remain there until reported and removed.  Also the anonymous nature of commenting means a lot of negative comments can be made unless comments are closed.

The video I choose to explore, on ShelvAR, was chosen as it demonstrates one example of AR in action in a library, and one that is forthcoming soon.

In this day of the digital age,libraries at least understanding, if not using YouTube is becoming more important.  As digital integration becomes more common, with new technologies such as augmented reality, being able to plug into it and provide services to customers can help libraries retain their edge.  Events can be advertised and shared with ease, and even book trailers and reviews can be shown.

ShelvAR In Action

Continuing on with our class exercises, we come to YouTube.  For this part of the course, I am going to show a video on the AR app, ShelvAR, now being tested in the Wertz Art and Architecture Library at Miami University.  ShelvAR is designed to increase the speed and accuracy of shelf-reading, which has to date always been done by eye.

YouTube. 2012. ShelvAR - ISMAR 2012 submission. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 20 Aug 2013].

The ShelvAR - ISMAR 2012 submission YouTube video was uploaded by Dr Bo Brinkman, of the Miami University Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, which gives the video authority.  In it he explains and demonstrates the ShelvAR app.  The video was posted May 23, 2012, meaning it is a bit over a year old, but still relevant given the app is not yet publicly released.  The video is aimed towards librarians and those who work in libraries, as a demonstration of what will be available in the future, as well as for anyone interested in the development of AR.

There are also a couple of other videos which have shown the development of the app.

 From Jul 6, 2012, showing the app in action being tested in the Wertz library.

From Mar 22, 2011, showing the app for the first time.

As can be seen, once this tool is up and running and available, it will be a valuable tool in any library, given the time savings and accuracy it provides.  It is an example of just what can be expected with the addition of augmented reality to libraries.