
Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Strange Librarian on Geolocation/AR/QR in libraries.

The following is a link to a post by the Strange Librarian (aka Julie) from 2010 discusiing a number of emerging technologies and the preospects for use in libraries.  In this case, it is about geolocation, augmented reality and also QR codes.

(geolocation + augmented reality + QR codes) libraries | the strange librarian 2010. (geolocation + augmented reality + QR codes) libraries | the strange librarian. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 23 Jul 2013].

Julie Strange, an adjunct professor of the University of Maryland's iSchool and Statewide Coordinator for Maryland AskUsNow!, their statewide virtual reference service, discusses three emerging technologies, of geolocation, augmented reality and QR coding.  In it she offers her views on how they may be used in libraries, and how they may add value to the library experience for customers.  She makes references to use of the technologies in other fields.  Given her credentials, she does have some authority in the area, having been posting about mostly librarian related topics since 2007.  Though the post itself is from three years back, the technologies discussed are still in their infancy and development when it comes to libraries.  While the post is aimed more towards libraries and librarians, it is done so in a manner than any can understand.


  1. Tell me a little more please Andrew. You have mentioned her credentials - tell us whether you regard her as authoritative? Is theblog easy to understand? What audience level is it aimed at? How often does she post? Is it current?


  2. Great citation and evaluation Andrew - thank you
