
Monday 29 July 2013

State of Alaska Library Emerging Tech Guides

On the State of Alaska's Depart of Education and Early Development, Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums' website, they have, among their resources guides, one on emerging technologies. So far it covers 3D Printers, Augmented Reality and Maker Technology.

Given this blog is about Augmented Reality in libraries, it is that part of the guide we will be looking at. The guide on AR gives a brief overview on what AR is, as well as links on articles specific to AR use in libraries, example uses, vendors/developers and videos.

Cornwall, D. 2012. Augmented Reality - Emerging Technologies - ResourceGuides at Alaska State Library. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 30 Jul 2013].

The Augmented Reality - Emerging Technologies - ResourceGuides at Alaska State Library, maintained by Daniel Cornwall, digital librarian for the State of Alaska's division of Libraries, Archives and Museums and Chapter Councilor of the American Library Association, is an Alaskan Government site and therefore is authoritative. It was last updated on 23/07/2013, which makes the information contained current. It is aimed at sharing information about AR that may be of current or future use to libraries, archives and museums and is aimed towards them, though is accessible for all.

1 comment:

  1. Good choice and good evaluation Andrew. Well done
